How to Care for Monstera Plants

        Monsteras are a tropical plant in the Araceae family. They are native to Central America and grow mostly in tropical forests of Southern Mexico and Panama. There are many varieties of plants in the Monstera family. Some of the most common include Deliciosa, Adansonii, and Obliqua. 
        Monsteras tend to be unique plants with dramatic leaves that, at maturity, can hold many tiny holes or fenestrations. These are vining-type plants. They can reach anywhere from 3 to 15 feet in height and love to stabilize themselves by producing air roots that can attach to a given stake or trellis as they grow.
        Some common pests that can be found on Monsteras include mealy bugs, aphids, thrips, and spider mites. If any are found, spray the plant with an insecticidal soap and wipe the leaves with a microfiber cloth. This can help remove dust and keep the plant healthy and pest-free. 

Care Guide by Variety: 
Monstera Deliciosa 
        This variety of monstera plant is the most well-known out of the others in the plant community. Monstera Deliciosas require low/indirect sunlight and prefer an average humidity level. Watering should be done every one to two weeks, or whenever the top of the soil is dry, and temperatures for this plant should remain between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid stunting growth. If you find your plant needing some support, moss poles are great for helping this plant grow upward. 

Monstera Adansonii 
        This variety of monstera is probably runner-up to the monstera deliciosa when it comes to popularity in the plant community. Monstera Adansonii, A.K.A Swiss cheese plants, requires indirect sunlight and prefers an average humidity level. Watering should be done when the top 75% of the soil is dry, and temperatures for this plant should remain between 60-80 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid stunting growth. These plants love to climb, and training them to climb up a steak or wall can be easily done by using garden ties or hooks. 

Monstera Obliqua 
        Monstera Obliqua, A.K.A the unicorn plant, is one of the rarest (and most expensive) plants in the monstera family. At maturity, it has extreme fenestrations. The holes can take up to 90 percent of the leaf’s surface leaving them super thin and delicate. These plants are commonly grown in greenhouse cabinets or terrariums and require 7+ hours of bright indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight to the plant as the leaves are very susceptible to burning. Watering should only be done whenever the top inch or two of soil is fully dry to avoid overwatering and root rot. 
        One of the most important aspects of growing a Monstera Obliqua is maintaining a strict temperature and humidity for the plant. The temperature should remain around 77 degrees Fahrenheit and the high humidity level should stay at 80%. 

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